Category: the brain

Ep 196: How neurons find their home

Ep 196: How neurons find their home

How neurons find their home

Even before birth, billions of brain cells have to figure out what sort of cell to be, where to be, and which other neurons to connect to. Today we talk about the complicated processes that help neurons find their home.

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Ep 195: Baby’s brain before birth

Ep 195: Baby’s brain before birth

Baby’s brain before birth

As we continue our close look at the human brain, we take some time to look at how it grows and develops. The story starts before you are born, when a man and woman love each other very much, and…

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Ep 194: The lowly, yet complex, neuron

Ep 194: The lowly, yet complex, neuron

The lowly, yet complex, neuron

Finally done with natural history, today we start talking about the brain. It is extremely complicated. Even a single brain cell, one neuron, is an intricate little machine. Today we take a look at the neuron, and how it sends signals.